Eco Systems designs and manufactures an innovative technology that produces electricity through pedaling. This electricity is then stored in a 12-volt deep cycle battery. Locally available smaller 6-volt motorcycle batteries are charged from the 12-volt battery and distributed with low wattage, LED lights for in home use.
Eco Systems current performance data (depending on use, atmospheric conditions, and other factors) shows that the battery/lighting units can produce lighting for 3 hours per night for up to one month. The Pedal Power pilot project set up a charging station and provided 50 home units to test feasibility and enterprise model operations. dissigno has contracted with Eco Systems for the equipment. OFCB assisted dissigno in identifying and hiring Charles Gasmy to operate the charging station. OFCB and dissigno rented out home units to 50 families for the pilot project rental program. Rental payments by these 50 families for the lighting/battery units and payment by other community members for the service of cell phone battery charging are paying Charles's salary.
Based on extensive research in the field of human power, basic assumptions of watts output for an average person are in the 50-watt range for up to hour or more. This data is based on weight, fitness, bicycle set up, and atmospheric conditions. An initial power setting based on rider mass might be 2-4 W/kg for an unfit person and 4-6 W/kg for a fit cyclist. According to Eco System’s own performance data; a strong cycle rider can deliver 70 Watts continuously for several hours to the deep cycle 12V battery.
The human as an engine is similar to a steam engine rather than an internal combustion engine, as it needs fuel to keep going, even at complete rest. Work metabolism, energy required to do work, is measured in kilocalories or joules of work divided by an efficiency factor of between .2 -.3. This means that for every 100 W of mechanical energy output, 333-500 W of energy input or fuel/food is required, above that which is needed to sustain life.
The lighting units chosen for this project are LED. LED lights require minimal watts to operate and are well within the capacity and performance of the Pedal Generator.
According to Eco Systems performance and testing one pedal generator and 12 volt battery can sustain the ongoing use of up to 200 home units, which include battery and LED units. Therefore the fifty units anticipated for the pilot project are well within performance range.
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